Gavin Sullivan’s visit to ITAM, Mexico City February 2019

Gavin Sullivan’s visit to ITAM, Mexico City February 2019

As part of this collaborative research, Gavin spent some time in Mexico City in February 2019. The main purpose of this short research visit was to work with Alejandro on their joint paper on global security assemblages and engage with Mexican scholars and practitioners working on related issues. They presented a first version of that paper at a seminar at ITAM School of Law, on 22 February 2019.

The seminar was attended by scholars from the Law and International Relations (IR) Departments of ITAM, as well as by scholars from CIDE and El Colegio de México, both in Mexico City. Gavin also gave two classes on global security law in Alejandro’s course on Law and Global Governance, at ITAM School of Law. Gavin and Alejandro also shared syllabi from their graduate modules in Global Security Law, with a view to delivering more collaborative teaching in this area together in the future.